Wounded Knee Survivors Descendants

(Coming Soon ! History, Background and Chapters)

Reparations for Massacre Survivors

For generations the survivors of the Wounded Knee Massacre have sought redress
for their losses and injuries as as innocent victims of the attack on them in 1890.
Today, their descendants continue in honor of their ancestors and families.






This bill has a rather simple purpose, and includes some specific provisions for accomplishing that purpose. To accomplish the purpose of the bill in a "legal" manner the bill must be drafted to handle the details of the situation as it is now known, and also for handling some unknown or unexpected aspects of the situation which the bill addresses itself to. For this reason the bill itself will seem unduly complicated and confusing to some who read it.

The main purpose of the bill is to provide compensation frcm the Federal Government to innocent victims who suffered personal injury, or loss of property due to the lawless occupation of Wounded Knee, South Dakota between February 27, 1973 and May 8, 1973, and to vest in the Federal Government the right to recover from the responsible or liable parties the damages for which Federal compensation is so paid.

To do this, of course, it becomes necessary to define terms and to set up the mechanics to determine who the innocent victims are and what the extent of their loss is and to appropriate the money necessary to compensate the victims and to administer the payment.

Because so much of the controversey which surrounded the occupation of Wounded Knee is associated with inequity and injustice, it becomes necessary to take extra pains to insure that conpensation wil be allocated on a just and equitable basis. To do so necessarily requires staff and procedures which become expensive and time consuming. It is sincerely hoped that administrative expense and delay can be kept to a minimum, and this bill
was drafted with that intent.




Wounded Knee 2003 - 30 Years Later!


The "Round Building" in the photo below, and referred to as a "Visitors' Center" in the article cited below the photo, was built by an outside non-profit support group supposedly for the Wounded Knee Community. However, since it was solicited by a known AIM associate on the Pine Ridge Reservation, he has claimed it as his own and AIMs' building. As the article below states, "The center is as much a shrine to Means and AIM as it is to the 1890 massacre".

As a result, the community does not benefit from it at all.
In the interests of "injuries and losses" of the "innocent victims" of the Wounded Knee Occupation and the Wounded Knee community and AIM responsibility for that suffering, As a good faith gesture, and as a demonstration of future intent, perhaps AIM membership and Organizations can show support for the Cankpe Opi Tiyospaye Healing by calling for the immediate removal and absolute surrender of the "Round Building" occupancy and title, to the Cankpe Opi Tiyospaye Initiative, for use as office space and activity area in the development of their Community Building Initiative.


(Round building in Wounded Knee)


"And then there is Lyle Sutton, who mans a visitor center at Wounded Knee. He lives out of one room in the back that contains a bed, refrigerator, stove and kitchen table. The heater was not working on a recent winter day, and Sutton pulled on a black leather jacket as he walked into the public part of the visiting center, where it was cold enough to see one's breath. The center is as much a shrine to Means and AIM as it is to the 1890 massacre. It contains photos from the massacre and campaign signs from Means' recent, unsuccessful bid for Oglala Sioux tribal president."

(excerpt from article)
Thirty years later, standoff views differ
By Bernard McGhee, Associated Press Writer




Healing For Wounded Knee Page

Cankpe Opi Tiyospaye Online
Created by LakotaLance
est.: FEB 2003

Updated: FEB 2007

© 2003 Lakota Lance

URL: https://cankpeopitiyospaye.tripod.com/HealingForWoundedKnee.htm